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Uploaded on Sunday night, January 15th, 2023
just look at
Derpibooru ponified
tag, it's growing stronger!
Somepony is going to ponify the "Derpibooru Ponified" tag...Damaged, you asked for this six years ago...tonight, he is made manifest. 😌😁
So here is the tag, Derpibooru ponified
...ponified! Did I just win the internet or something? 😮🥳
Probably the most ridiculous ponification of a Derpibooru tag I've done yet. Had to think super creative - after all, this guy isn't just a ponified Derpibooru tag; he's the ponification of the tag representing every ponified Derpibooru tag! So... easiest way to do that?
Hybrid fusions everywhere! Bit of deer, kirin, earth pony, Generation 5 magic hooves, magic hoof use even as an earth pony, a Derpibooru logo tail augmentation, Trixie CM inception and recursion, messy and curly mane, starry and ethereal tail and sooo much more ✨😆🥳
Personally I think he came out awesome though. 💙🤗
His body markings are inspired by this image I uploaded two years ago.
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