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Posts tagged male

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aeroblossom, aeroshell, alexdash, alizary, aloeflam, amberspike, amethystlane, amityej, andlight, angeldash, angelescence, angelshy, angelspike, angeltwi, angina, apojet, apple breeze, applebarb, applebarb (lesbian), appleblitz (gay), appleblitz (straight), appleburst, applecord, appledash (straight), applediamond, appledirk, applegar, applehoops, applejacks (shipping), applelusive, applelusive (straight), applemac, applepie (straight), appleshimmermac, appleshy (straight), applespike, applespike (gay), applespikedash, applespruce, applewhooves, aquamortar, archrise, ariachips, arrowbeff, attypone, aurablitz, autumnspike, baastcord, babspike, bafflista, ballispike, bandydash, bandyheart, barberry, barberscotch, barbintosh, barblitz, barbshine, barlusive, barrelcest, bawxie, beavislestia, beristar, berry fizzy, berryblood, berryclover, berryjoe, berryscotch, big n rich, big scoops, bigsentry, bilda, bips, blazedash, blember, bleuberry, blitzike, bloodburst, bloombase, blossomac, blossomlane, blueburn, blueburst, bluedance, bluedash, bluejack, bluelestia, bluemac, bluepie, bluesalis, bluesentry, blueshine, blueshy, bluetavia, bluetrix, boncord, bonjoe, bonmac, boultom, bowdance, bowdash, bowmac, bowquartz, bowsoarin, bowvelvet, boyra, braeatura, braeble, braebreeze, braeburst, braecake, braecora, braedash, braediamond, braeheart, braejack, braemac, braemontory, braepie, braesala, braeshy, brainbloom, briarpie, brightbutter, brightjack, brightvelvet, brightwhistles, brollyshy, brother, brother and sister, brothers, bubbleblitz, bubbledash, bubblejack, bubblejack (gay), bubblelusive, bubblepie, bubbleshine, bubbleshy, bulkbreeze, bulkburn, bulkdash, bulkhugger, bulktavia, buralleron, burntleaf, busty boy, butterblitz, butterbreaker, butterbuffy, buttercord, butterdash, butterjack, butterjack (gay), butterlaris, butterlestia, buttermac, butteroak, butterpie, butterreina, buttershim, buttershine, buttersive, butterspike, button base, buttoncest, buttondash, buttonseed, buttonsqueak, caballaze, caballepie, caballershy, caballva, cabazhenga, cabelle, cabiff, cabuizotl, cadmac, caesardash, caketwincest, caplaeno, capperity, capperlight, capperpie, carabon, caraflash, carajack, caralane, caralestia, caralight, caralime, caramac, carameluna, caramelunajack, carin', carrot cola, carrot cup, carrotburn, carrotburnatura, carrotjoe, carrotpie, carrotpumpkin, carrotshy, cassvin, catvine, cayike, celestibra, celestimac, celestirek, celumbra, chaselight, cheerburn, cheeribreeze, cheericutter, cheeridoc, cheerimac, cheerimacshy, cheerimarblemac, cheerimash, cheerispike, cheeriwind, cheesearmor, cheeseberry, cheesecoco, cheesecocopie, cheesedash, cheesefavor, cheesejack, cheesejoe, cheesepants, cheesepie, cheesepiejoe, cheesity, cheesixie, cherrybreeze, cherryburn, cherrycherry, cherryflam, cherryflim, chipbelle, chipbloom, chippoorwhill, christaloo, chrysarmordance, chrysirek, chrysombra, chryspike, chrysunburst, cinchcord, cinchsentry, cinnamon donut, cirrent, clothed female nude male, cloudybreeze, cloudynight, cloudyspike, cobalt blaze, cobaltsweet, cocobulk, cococapper, cococapperity, cocogallop, cocomac, cocomash, cocosentry, cocoshill, cocospike, cocostreak, colorabangs, colt, colt big macintosh, colt on colt, colt on filly, colt on mare, colt on stallion, colt shining armor, colt sombra, cometdancer, cometity, cometlight, cometlime, cometrix, cookiebreeze, cookiebright, cookieflanks, cookiehoof, cookiespike, copperpie, copperspike, coralbloom, corpulight, coscord, cozirek, cozynails, cozyspike, cracklemash, crankilda, crankylight, crankypie, creamac, creamspike, crystaltwi, cygale, daballeron, daisygrape, dan pie, dannyprise, daringpants, darizotl, dashblitz, dashmagnus, death by coffee, derpblood, derpcord, derpgian, derpin', derpseed, derpsentry, derpumble, derpybreeze, derpybulk, derpyburn, derpydoctorrose, derpydonut, derpymac, derpyshoes, derpyspike, diamond duo, diamondlight, diamondsnail, dilf, dinkysqueak, dirkpie, disbreaker, discoburst, discodance, discodash, discolight, discolis, discomac, discomagnet, discomel, discopie, discordagio, discoshy, dishores, dislestia, dismaud, dispike, ditzyhoops, dizzyfront, docburst, docgian, doctavia, doctor mayor, doctordash, doctorderpball, doctorderpy, doctordrops, doctorlime, doctorlyra, doctorpace, doctorrose, doctorscratch, doctorshy, doctwi, donustave, donut do, donutdancer, donutfire, donutheart, donutjack, donutmac, donutrix, donutshimmer, donutstone, doosert, dopadash, dopemis, dopeydoctor, dopeytoress, doubleachio, doubleblaze, doublecheer, doubledash, doubleflutter, doublelane, doublemac, doublepinkie, doubleplate, doubleset, doubletrix, doubllerlane, doublleron, doubluna, dragkestia, dragojack, dragon bones, drum-iac, dumbdash, dumbhoops, duo male, dusk shade, dusk shield, dusk shining, duskblitz, duskdash, duskflare, duskglare, duskjack, duskjack (gay), dusklestia, duskmoon, duskpie, duskshimmer, duskshy, duskspike, dusktan, dusktwi, ejamityeevee, ejeevee, elublitz, elushine, elushy, elusidash, elusipie, elusivepants, elusiveskirt, embercord, emberford, emberspike, emberynx, emble, embrax, embrover, emburst, eriscotch, erisglare, eveningluck, everjack, faceless male, fancijack, fancyfleur, fancygallop, fancymasala, fancyshy, fashionbreeze, father, father and daughter, father and son, featherbelle, featherbloom, featherdash, featherfire, featherglow, featherlee, featherlestia, feathermac, featherscratch, featherseed, feathersprint, feathersqueak, feathertiara, feathertoity, female on male, female on male rape, femboy, femboy on top, fffm foursome, ffm threesome, filly on colt, filly on stallion, filthilee, filthy desk, filthy diamond, filthybulk, filthyflare, filthyjack, filthynelly, filthyspike, filthyspoon, fireblaze, firechill, firechips, firedash, firefly (pairing), firelane, fireplate, fizzlespear, flamjack, flamlestia, flampie, flamtrix, flareglare, flashagio, flasharia, flashbra, flashburn, flashburst, flashcadance, flashcapper, flashcrash, flashdancer (ship), flashdash, flashdust, flashglider, flashimmer, flashimmerpie, flashjack, flashlestia, flashlight, flashlightosh, flashlightshimmer, flashscratch, flashshine, flashtoria, flashvelvet, flaxie, fleetilee mac, fleetmac, fleur-de-blueblood, fleur-de-cord, fleurburn, fleurflash, flimdash, flimflam, flimflamjack, flimjack, flimpie, flimshy, flimstone, flithyarmor, flitterhoops, flitterlane, flitterspike, flitterumble, flitterumblechaser, flixie, flowbeak, flucky, flurleon, flurryarmor, flurryburst, flurryspike, flutterarmor, flutterblitz, flutterbreeze, flutterbulk, flutterburst, fluttercaramac, fluttercaramacpie, flutterflam, flutterflash, flutterjoe, fluttermac, fluttermacburst, fluttersandwich, flutterscotch, fluttersky, fluttersnails, flutterspike, forpan, frazzlelane, fredeander, fredlights, fredtavia, futa bigger than male, futa human on stallion, futa on colt, futa on male, futa pony on human male, gabble, gabbus, gaffity, gallbank, gallbar, gallbarlus, gallinabar, galljack, gallmar, gallspike, gallstream, galluster, galyona, garbinence, garbizzle, garbledash, garilda, gay, gay in front of girls, gaydom, gentlepear, gentlezephyr, gildabell, gildalane, gildamac, gildaseed, gildin', gildus, gizmodash, gizmolight, gizzle, glaresentry, gleaming bolero, gleaming metamorphosis, glessi, glideblitz, glidestorm, glimax, glimmercest, glimmerdiamond, glimmermac, glimmin', glitterburst, glittergian, glittershade, glittershadowgian, glitterspike, goldenmovies, goldenscript, goldensnack, grandfather, grandfather and grandchild, grandfather and granddaughter, grandfather and grandson, grandmother and grandson, greenswoop, greentiara, grilledberry, groverpie, grubberspike, grubbest, gustave le sparkle, gustilda, gustycolt, gustyspike, guyrabon, halfmoon hearts, haybaked, hayseed-de-lis, hayshy, hayspoon, herm on male, hisambula, hoitin', hoity burn, hoityarmor, hoitybelle, hoityblood, hoitydash, hoitylis, hoityloo, hoitymac, hoitypants, hoityplate, hoitypommel, hoityshy, hoityspike, hoitystreak, hoitywhooves, holiwatt, hoo'blaze, hoopshy, hopeblood, human futa on stallion, human male, human male on colt, human male on filly, human male on mare, human male on stallion, husband and wife, igneouscrumbles, igneousdance, igneousmarble, igneousmaud, igneouspie, igneousstone, indigo glitter glow, inkybreeze, inkyweb, ironbreeze, irondash, ironflare, ironshy, jack, jackbucks, jacktacle, jackxie, jasbriar, jellydance, joelestia, joespike, joystarr, jubilance, jubispike, junihoof, junipersentry, k+k, kedaddle, kevaloo, kiwisentry, kiwisentrynova, lace web, lakebreeze, lemonleaf, lemonzentry, lesbian in front of boys, li'l cheesepie, li'l mac n cheese, lightfire streak, lightningbell, lilacsentry, lilymac, limebulk, limefuse, limehoops, limemac, limepierce, limequartz, limesentry, limestrike, limin', limynx, loganfrost, lotusflim, luckyfire, luigidash, luigishy, lunaburst, lunacord, lunamac, lunapestian, lunapip, lunarynx, lunasentry, lunaspikelestiance, lunick, luslus, lustercheese, lymond, lyrabonlane, lyraboybon, lyralane, lyramac, lyraworthy, lyrin', mac n cheese, macalleron, macbloom, macburst, macinfire, macinmaud, macturner, magnambula, magniflash, makolee, male feet, male focus, male herm on male, male on cuntboy, male on futa, male on herm, male on male herm, male pov, male pregnancy, maledom, males only, malesub, mane-zotl, maneshutter, mantrain, marblehoof, marblemac, marblepierce, marbleshoes, marblespike, marblesugarmac, mare on colt, mare on stallion, maridash, mariopie, marishy, marspring, maudbra, maudbriar, maudburst, maudceps, maudrax, maudspike, maudwich, mayormac, merman, microflash, microlight, microscratch, microtrix, minarax, minulane, minzle, mmf threesome, mmmf foursome, moondoctor, moontracker, mordetwi, mother and father, mother and son, muddancer, muffinlee, muscular male, neighcinch, neighsparkle, neonplay, neonpolo, neonscrape, neontop, neonworthy, nightcookie, nightdance, nightdiamond, nightheart, nightmare cabararity, nightmare sentrity, nightmare sparity, nightmarearmor, nightmarecord, nightspike, nightvelvet, noganshy, normalcake, notetavia, novemberlinks, novospray, noxydrip, nursemac, oc:demi, oc:kokabiel, ocelbar, offscreen male, openpackage, pantspants, party shoes, party sombra, partyburst, partycheesepie, partydiamond, partyfeather, partyglider, partypie, peachbra, peachtruck, pearflanks, pearhoof, pearlight, pearmac, petuniasky, phartrix, pharynxshy, philowiscious, photoflash, photoity, pinkamel, pinker, pinkiebass, pinkieblitz, pinkieburst, pinkieford, pinkiejoe, pinkiemac, pinkiepool (pairing), pinkiesentry, pinkiesnails, pinkiespike, pinkirax, pinkynx, pipflare, pipseed, piptwist, pispurchio, pokeyball, pokeybangs, pokeycoat, pokeyfavor, pokeylane, pokeymaud, pokeymel, pokeytail, pommelcrusoe, ponetderp, pority, poseybow, poseybreeze, poseybright, poseyflanks, poseyflash, poseymac, poseynight, poseyrock, poseyspike, postderpy, postdopey, pound pie, poundflurry, poundspike, promethdina, promispear, promispike, promontjack, pumpkinspike, pumpoundurry, quartzrock, quibblebreeze, quibbledash, quibblelight, quibblepie, quibblesky, quibblesprint, quibblestia, quibblestone, quibbrin, ragadirk, ragajack, ragasocks, rainbowburns, rainbowmac, rainbowslog, rainbowspike, rainhoops, rainmer, rainmonade, rainsnail, rallylestia, ram, raraspike, rarax, rariarmor, rariberry, rariblitz, rariblood, rariburn, raridirk, rariflanks, rariford, rarigallop, rarijack (straight), rarijoe, rarimac, rarimash, rarimuffin, raripants, rariplate, rarirek, raririch, rariscotch, rariseed, rarishine, rarisnails, rarisonic, raristachio, raritoity, rariworthy, rarizmo, ravenspike, raventip, rockbrook, rockjack, roseburn, rovarity, roversweet, rubymash, rumbelle, rumbellemash, rumblecest, rumblechaser, rumbledink, rumbleglow, rumblelane, rumblemar, rumblemash, rumblespike, rumblespikebelle, rumblespikemash, rumblespoon, rumbloo, rumbsqueak, rutherblood, rutherbreeze, ruthlestia, saf'far, saffron breeze, sandachio, sandalchips, sandstream, sandtracker, sapphireflam, sapphoity, sassyplate, scarletspike, sciflash, scitwishining, scitwispike, scootablitz, scootachip, scootahoof, scootalane, scootamash, scootapound, scootaspike, scootasqueak, scootaweight, scooterblitz, scooterbloom, scooterspoon, scorlight, scrapetavia, scrapetavius, scratchtavius, screwblood, screwhammer, screwhooves, senata, sentrity, sentrixie, sentrycoat, sentryheart, sentrynova, sentryosa, shadybelle, shadybloom, shadyseed, shadyseedrumblehooves, shadytavia, shimmerburst, shimmermac, shimshamjack, shining bolero, shining chrysalis, shiningbelle, shiningburn, shiningburst, shiningburstdance, shiningcadance, shiningjack, shiningjoe, shiningluna, shiningmac, shiningpie, shiningsentry, shiningshadow, shiningshimmer, shiningsomblood, shiningsombra, shiningsomdance, shiningsparkle, shiningspectacle, shiningvelvet, shiningwithers, shinrynx, shintrix, shortbiceps, shotacon, shutterdash, shys, shyshy (straight), silverblitz, silverbuck, silverflim, silvermac, silverspike, silversqueak, silverstrike, skeedadleo, skidash, skyble, skycapper, skydash, skylacake, skyspike, slalomshade, smaller male, smithgruff, smolbar, smollus, smoozcord, snailbloom, snailburn, snailestia, snailsjack, snailstwist, snapbow, snaps, snowweb, soaratura, soarbraelane, soarburn, soarburndash, soarburnfire, soarheart, soarilane, soarilee, soariley, soarimmer, soarin'diamond, soarinbar, soarinblitz, soarinblood, soarindash, soarindashjack, soarindashlane, soarinfire, soarinfleet, soarinfleetfire, soarinjack, soarinloo, soarinpie, soarinsentry, soarity, soarlight, soarmac, soarmane, soarstable, soarstinger, soarstingerlane, soaruna, solo colt, solo male, solo stallion, solster, sombralane, sombralee, sombramoon, sombrarity, sombrascotch, sombrashy, sombratop, sombrek, sombrest, sombriac, sombritter, somburst, somdance, son, sonamuffin, sonatamac, songcord, sonicdash, sour sentry, sourburst, sourhoof, spabby, spails, sparble, sparibby, sparibelle, sparico, sparity, sparkleberry, sparlight, spearhugger, spearmor, spearnut, spelusive, spelvet, spembrax, spharynx, sphike, sphinxshadows, spich, spicora, spiderluna, spidertwi, spigate, spike-iac, spikebarb, spikebelle, spikeberry, spikebloom, spikebra, spikeburn, spikeburst, spikecake, spikeceps, spikechaser, spikedance, spikedancer, spikeheart, spikelane, spikelestia, spikellus, spikeluck, spikemash, spikemoon, spikemor, spikenova, spikentosh, spikephire, spikequeak, spikero, spikeshadow, spikestone, spikestream, spiketavia, spiketiara, spiketiaraspoon, spiketwist, spikeweight, spikewhinny, spikeyrose, spikoorwhill, spilda, spilomare, spilulestia, spiluna, spina, spinambula, spinata, spinona, spips, spitburn, spitburndash, spitshine, spixie, sploe, splotus, spoilthy, spolder, sporange, spr'far, spreeze, springbra, springpper, springsentry, springspike, springzuma, spubble, spurcuit, spyra, spyrolder, stabledash, stableheart, stablelance, stablelee, stableloose, stableluna, stallion, stallion on anthro female, stallion on colt, stallion on filly, stallion on futa filly, stallion on human female, stallion on human male, stallion on mare, stallion on stallion, stallions only, starachio, starble, starbreeze, starbunny, starburst, starchips, starcord, stardash (pairing), stardoc, stardome, starjoe, starlightsombra, starlos, starmor, starplate, starscript, starsentry, starshine hearts, starspritz, starstone, starstripes, startrist, startrixburst, stellarbow, stellarglare, stellarlight, stellarnight, stellarshy, stellarspike, stellarwings, stingerlane, storek, stormcord, stormdagio, stormlaeno, stormlestia, stormpest, stormsalis, straight, strawmac, strongspike, styburst, stygianhoof, styginthemud, styglestia, stygnus, styuna, sugarbangs, sugardiamond, sugarmac, sugarmaclee, sugarre, sugarsentry, sugarspike, sugarstream, sugarstrike, sunbar, sunblood, sunbreeze, suncest, suncord, sundancer, sundence, sunffron, sungleam, sunny flash, sunplate, sunrisecomet, sunsethearts, sunsetspike, sunsetstreak, sunsetzapsentry, sunspark, sunvalley, suriblood, suribreeze, surigallop, svenblood, svenbra, svenburn, svenderp, svenlestia, svensaddles, svera, sweetiecord, sweetieflanks, sweetiemac, sweetiemash, sweetiesnips, sweetiesqueak, sweetjoe, swiftbar, tantashadow, tarashine, teddyflower, teddyheart, tempest neighsay, tempestcord, tempestflashlight, tempestsentry, tempestshall, tempesttracker, tempgian, tempynx, tendachio, tenderbelle, tenderbloom, tenderbloomcutter, tendercutter, tenderloo, tentacles on male, terrabelle, terrabloom, terraburst, terralight, terraloo, terraroll, terrax, texjack, the oranges, thombra, thommel, thoralestia, thorashimmer, thoraxarmor, thoraxburst, thoraxie, thoraxshy, thoraxsparlight, thoraxspike, thorynx, thuna, thunderbon, thunderburn, thunderburst, thunderchaser, thunderdash, thunderdust, thunderflare, thunderflash, thunderflower, thunderfront, thunderhugger, thunderhunter, thunderjack, thundermac, thunderpie, thunderplane, thundershoes, thundershy, thunderskies, tiarambra, tiarumble, tiluna, timberdazzle, timberflare, timberflash, timberflower, timbershimmer, timbershy, timbertwi, timberzest, timocco, tiradagio, tirapple, tirekcord, tootsiepop, torchtapper, trails, trap, treecord, treecordshy, trenderbreeze, trenderfleur, trenderhoo'far, trenderity, trenderjack, trendermac, trendermaud, trenderplate, trenderpommel, trenderpy, trenderstone, trendertoity, trenette, trenettejack, trikles, trips, tristansparkle, tristarcord, tristgleam, trixbreeze, trixburn, trixburst, trixcord, trixfar, trixflashimmer, trixgleam, trixgleamstone, trixhunter, trixieplate, trixmac, trixover, trixshine, trouble pie, troubleburn, troubleheart, troublehugger, troublejack, troublemac, troubleshy, troubletrix, troublewhinny, truffletwist, twibeak, twiblitz, twiblood, twibra, twiburn, twiburst, twiflam, twiflim, twiford, twigarble, twigian, twiglare, twihan, twihunter, twijack (straight), twijoe, twiknight, twilane, twilaris, twiliscious, twilusive, twimac, twimony, twinight, twinkiespike, twinklefizzy, twinklespike, twipants, twirax, twiscotch, twiscript, twisludge, twisnails, twisparity, twispember, twispike, twitaps, twitracker, twixflash, twizuma, umbrascotch, uppersentry, upperset, valentry, vanispike, vaporsky, vaporskyshy, velamity, velvetbreeze, velvetflanks, velvetmac, velvetshield, videoscratch, vigiheart, vinylbangs, vinylights, vinylmac, vinylplay, vinylspike, wallbar, wallchips, wallsentry, warmdash, wavedash, wendyspike, whipfire, whitenovel, whiteshy, wickedsleepy, windash, windust, windyflanks, windyhoof, windylight, windymac, windyspike, winoiscious, winomac, winummy, wizlight, wizwinds, writtendash, wysterispike, yonabar, yonahoof, yonbank, youngheart, zapalm, zapsentry, zechant, zecoburst, zecord, zephbra, zephdash, zephyrbangs, zephyrburst, zephyrdust, zephyrfire, zephyrflash, zephyrhugger, zephyrlace, zephyrlane, zephyrlanehugger, zephyrmac, zephyrmacburst, zephyrpie, zephyrshy, zephyrstone, zephyrstreak, zephyrtop, zestblue, zippoorsqueak, zippoorweight, zoespike, zoops

Size: 1200x1250 | Tagged: safe, artist:prk, derpibooru import, applejack, fluttershy, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, twilight sparkle, human, equestria girls, g4, applejack (male), bracelet, bubble berry, butterscotch, clothes, dusk shine, elusive, equestria guys, group, handsome, image, jewelry, looking at you, male, mane six, meta, necktie, one eye closed, open mouth, png, pose, rainbow blitz, rule 63, sextet, smiling, smiling at you, twitter, wink, winking at you
Size: 3300x3500 | Tagged: safe, artist:anotherdeadrat, derpibooru import, oc, oc:solid punch, oc:spicy stir, unofficial characters only, earth pony, pegasus, duo, duo male and female, female, image, male, oc x oc, png, shipping, sternocleidomastoid
Size: 1721x1456 | Tagged: safe, artist:lutraviolet, derpibooru import, ponified, pegasus, pony, unicorn, amputee, black mane, black tail, blaze (coat marking), blue coat, blue hoodie, blue hooves, blush lines, blushing, broken horn, brown tail, cloak, clothes, coat markings, colored eartips, colored hooves, colored muzzle, colored wings, concave belly, cream coat, cuddling, curly tail, duo, ear piercing, earring, eye scar, eyelashes, eyes closed, facial markings, facial scar, fitmc, floating heart, gay, heart, hoodie, hooves, horn, image, jewelry, jpeg, lidded eyes, light blue coat, looking at each other, looking at someone, lying down, male, mcyt, non-mlp shipping, on back, pac (qsmp), pale muzzle, piercing, profile, prone, prosthetic leg, prosthetic limb, prosthetics, qsmp, scar, shiny hooves, shiny mane, shiny tail, shipping, signature, smiling, smiling at each other, spread wings, stallion, tail, torn ear, underhoof, unshorn fetlocks, wings, youtuber
Size: 1518x1518 | Tagged: safe, artist:disaterror, derpibooru import, starlight glimmer, oc, earth pony, pony, unicorn, bags under eyes, bangs, blue coat, blue eyes, blue hooves, blue mane, blue tail, bouquet, bouquet of flowers, boy scout, bracer, brown hooves, bust, clothes, colored hooves, colored pinnae, colt, column, curved horn, dialogue, dictator, equal cutie mark, evil starlight, eye wrinkles, eyes closed, eyeshadow, female, flower, foal, grin, group, hair bun, hair tie, holding, hooves, horn, image, indoors, jpeg, lidded eyes, long horn, looking at you, makeup, male, mane tie, mare, multicolored mane, noise, open mouth, open smile, orange coat, our town, painting, portrait, profile, purple eyeshadow, raised hoof, red mane, red tail, requested art, s5 starlight, sash, shiny mane, smiling, smiling at you, solo focus, speech bubble, standing, standing on three hooves, tail, tail bun, tail tie, talking, tall ears, three toned mane, tied mane, tied tail, two toned mane, two toned tail, unicorn horn, uniform, unshorn fetlocks
Size: 5962x1466 | Tagged: safe, derpibooru import, official, hitch trailblazer, izzy moonbow, pipp petals, sunny starscout, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g5, my little pony: tell your tale, concept art, diadem, english, female, happy, horn, image, jewelry, lil critter workshop, male, mane stripe sunny, mare, misty brightdawn, my little pony g5 2d show (boulder media), png, rebirth misty, reference used, regalia, sad, stallion
Size: 2538x3798 | Tagged: suggestive, artist:stainedglasslighthea, derpibooru import, oc, oc:rocky blues, unofficial characters only, anthro, firefly (insect), insect, unicorn, abs, beach, clothes, crotch bulge, high res, horn, image, jpeg, male, male nipples, necktie, night, nipples, nudity, palm tree, partial nudity, pinup, solo, solo male, topless, tree
Size: 2166x3860 | Tagged: safe, artist:overlordneon, derpibooru import, owlowiscious, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), oc, oc:dusk eclipse, oc:nova dawn, alicorn, bird, original species, owl, pony, unicorn, g4, adoptable, ask, dialogue, ethereal mane, female, high res, horn, image, impossibly long hair, jpeg, long hair, magical lesbian spawn, male, mare, nebula owl, offspring, older, older twilight, open mouth, open smile, parent:sunset shimmer, parent:twilight sparkle, parents:sunsetsparkle, smiling, species swap, stallion, starry mane, tumblr, ultimate twilight, very long hair
Size: 172x224 | Tagged: safe, derpibooru import, uncle curio, earth pony, pony, pony town, g4, animated, clothes, gif, glasses, hat, image, male, pixel art, simple background, solo, sprite, stallion, transparent background, trotting
Size: 4779x4491 | Tagged: safe, derpibooru import, official, hitch trailblazer, izzy moonbow, pipp petals, sunny starscout, zipp storm, earth pony, pegasus, pony, unicorn, g5, my little pony: tell your tale, applejack (g5), concept art, female, fluttershy (g5), horn, image, male, mane five, mane six (g5), mane stripe sunny, mare, misty brightdawn, pinkie pie (g5), png, rainbow dash (g5), rarity (g5), rebirth misty, royal sisters (g5), siblings, sisters, stallion, twilight sparkle (g5)
Size: 1428x2048 | Tagged: safe, artist:hoofclid, derpibooru import, big macintosh, earth pony, pony, g4, bipedal, clothes, eeyup, image, jpeg, male, markings, open mouth, open smile, pun, smiling, solo, stallion, talking to viewer, toga
Size: 5834x5554 | Tagged: safe, artist:baban illustration, artist:lummh, derpibooru import, princess cadance, shining armor, alicorn, pony, unicorn, comic:the princess of love, absurd resolution, bust, duo, duo male and female, female, floppy ears, frown, horn, image, looking at you, male, mare, png, ship:shiningcadance, shipping, smiling, smiling at you, stallion, straight
Size: 765x729 | Tagged: safe, artist:dowi, derpibooru import, oc, oc:devin, unofficial characters only, bat pony, pony, 2112, album, album cover, bipedal, chair, classic rock, country music, cute, cute little fangs, desolation boulevard, eyes closed, fangs, fragile, full moon fever, glam rock, gray background, gunfighter ballads and trail songs, headphones, houses of the holy, image, led zeppelin, listening to music, male, marty robbins, meddle, music, music notes, pink floyd, png, record, record player, rush, simple background, sitting, solo, stallion, sweet, tom petty, vinyl, yes, yes (band)
Size: 985x601 | Tagged: safe, artist:dowi, derpibooru import, oc, oc:flashnote, unofficial characters only, bat pony, pony, clothes, cute, cute little fangs, duo, fangs, femboy, image, jpeg, looking at someone, maid, male, oc x oc, shipping, simple background, sketch, smiling, socks, thigh highs, we don't normally wear clothes
Size: 2262x1629 | Tagged: artist needed, questionable, derpibooru import, oc, oc:dark straw, unofficial characters only, pony, asphyxiation, book, drowning, duo, duo male and female, eyes closed, female, image, male, mare, png, spellbook, stallion, upside down
Size: 1804x1548 | Tagged: safe, artist:arllistar, derpibooru import, oc, oc:sunshine drift, oc:zip circuit, unofficial characters only, bat pony, earth pony, pony, bat pony oc, bat wings, bedroom eyes, blanket, blushing, bow, curtains, ear fluff, earth pony oc, eyes closed, female, hair bow, heart, image, jpeg, kissing, male, oc x oc, pink blanket, ponytail, raised hoof, shipping, signature, snow, snowfall, straight, window, wings
Showing posts 1 - 15 of 318484 total
