Posts tagged object pony
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object pony 1097Tag changes
Short description: Ponified inanimate objects.
Implies: original species, ponified
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Detailed description:
Short description: Ponified inanimate objects.
Implies: original species, ponified
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alcohol pony, ball pony, bathrobe pony, battery charger pony, battery pony, beach ball pony, bed pony, bell pony, building pony, clock pony, coffee maker pony, coin pony, condiment pony, eraser pony, fruit pony, gem pony, gun pony, hot water bottle pony, ice pony, keychain pony, lighter pony, living dakimakura, match pony, pencil pony, phone pony, pushpin pony, remote pony, saw pony, spaceship ponies, television pony, toy pony, train pony, trash pony, truck pony, vacuum cleaner pony, watch pony
Detailed description:
Applies to any inanimate object that is turned into a living pony.