Colt Quest:
A cyoa by FicFicponyfic.
Chapter 36 begins!
Emerald asks Ruby if she could teach him how to pickpocket sometime.
“Oh! Sure, it’s actually really easy!” Ruby says, excited.
Emerald smiles, but makes sure to mention he doesn’t want it coming between them and their magic or reading practice.
The demon giggles again for some reason, and Joyride gives a little snort of laughter as well.
Emerald turns to see the both of them staring at the pair of young colts. Emerald asks what the matter is.
“Nothing. I’ll go try and find those sundaes.” Joyride says, getting up off her chair and levitating all the pots and dishes off the table.
“You know, it’s much more fun to trick people out of things than it is to outright steal it from them.” Pip says, floating back towards Emerald again.
“Eh… I’d rather be a pickpocket than a scammer.” Ruby says, sticking out her lower lip, “Somehow seems more… Honest.”
Perhaps they are getting off topic a bit.
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Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
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Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
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Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
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