Demon ShimmerAfter Twilight was declared Princess of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer took things to extreme measures by putting on her crown, but she transformed into a raging she-demon and was overwhelmed by equestrian magic. She may have gained control of every student of CHS, but Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 not only turned Sunset and the students back to normal, but showed her the magic of friendship.The Dazzlings (The Sirens)Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk used the negative energy to summon their monstrous sea creatures known as the sirens at the music festival. They have powerful soundwaves that easily overpowered the Rainbooms. But the reformed Sunset Shimmer got the band back together and unleashed their powerful magic against the dazzlings, and broke their spell.Midnight SparkleLike Sunset Shimmer, Sci Twi transformed into a demon, and was overwhelmed by equestrian magic after Principal Cinch and the students of Crystal Prep made her release all the magic that she stole from Sunset’s friends. She created dimensional rifts, and said that she wants to understand magic. But Sunset Shimmer used Sci Twi’s device to transform into Daydream Shimmer, and showed her the magic of friendship. Sci Twi was turned back to normal and CHS was saved by Sunset Shimmer.Gaia EverfreeSunset Shimmer and Twilight founded out that Gloriosa Daisy was using magic with the geodes, because she was trying to save the camp from Filthy Rich closing it down. After she got the rest of them, she transformed into Gaia Everfree. She went to the camp, and created a wall of thorns around it. The Mane 5 hold her off until Twilight and Sunset arrived. Timber tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen. Gloriosa created a dome of brambles, causing a chain reaction where all the thorns began to grow uncontrollably. Twilight Sparkle embraced the magic of friendship and got the geodes for Sunset and her friends. The Humane 7 used their power to save Camp Everfree, and turned Gloriosa Daisy back to normal.Juniper MonstarJuniper Montage trapped the Humane 7 inside the mirror, causing a chain reaction with their geodes and transformed her into Juniper Monstar. Her magical ability is creating a hallucination where people adore her, but on the inside, they fear her. Starlight Glimmer reasoned with her that friendship is more important than fame. Juniper made her final wish and set the girls free from the mirror before it shattered completely. Juniper was reformed at the end of Mirror Magic thanks to the Humane 7 and Starlight.All vectors are made by the following deviants., , , , , , , , , :seahawk270:MLP Equestria Girls by Hasbro