BronyCon 2014 - About Us Header
BronyCon 2014~ bronycon.org
Allo allo everyone~
Shou here, one of the many members of the Design staff working to make BronyCon pretty with lots of awesome art all over the place~ This is my 2nd year helping out owo
To anyone who went to BronyCon 2013, you may have seen my artwork around - I made some article art for the website, the Hall of the Sun/Moon/Dusk/Dawn signs, as well the background for the conbook
And there’s lots of other artists, many returning from last year such as myself and lots of awesome new artists as well!
(There’s way too many good artists ah, three of my more favorite artists got recruited this year *squee*)
Not 100% sure I should list everyone in the design team yet, but I will perhaps at a later time when every artist has gotten into the roll of things (you’ll be able to see ‘though some of the artists on the team right now if you can recognize their style around the website) - expect lots of art and lots of stuff now that the Convention is currently live in production
Prepare for BronyCon 2014 … ! August 1~3
But no really - apparently the Hilton already got all of it’s double rooms or whatever it is reserved so if you know you’re going try and prepare early … ! 2013 was super big and awesome, and obviously, the staff is going to make it even better, again!
( Super awesome again to be a part of this team owo ! *I’m so unworthy ahh* )
= = = = =
(Here’s the gallery of my BronyCon 2013 art): dshou.deviantart.com/gallery/4…
The drawing I made for the website so far (shown above) is for the About section (excluding the “What is BronyCon?” subsection) finished on 10-9-13