Pastel Sails spends a lot of his life traveling around Equestria. His parents Double Diamond and Rainbow Dash were never an item so he lives 50/50 with each of them plus visiting other family and friends.
His parents used to pay for Pastel to travel by train or accompany him in the beginning. But when he turned 10-11 he saw this cute little trailer on sale when RD took him to Rainbow Falls.
He started traveling alone but for his safety [at least until he reached his late teens] he had to stop at multiple relatives’ houses with only a night or two camping.
They also bought him a dog named Scruffy who is extremely cute…but also very protective of Pastel.
Ponies like Twilight and Rarity thought it was a bit negligent that their friend was letting their son travel across Equestria without a guide at 11 years old so from ages 11-15 he stopped at over 7 homes and only had one overnight camping experience.Usually on his trips Pastel stopped to stay with a few different families. Coco Pommel and Cheese Sandwich in Manehatten, Grandma Bless Blizzard [DD mom] in Clove Junction, and many more. However, he spent the most time with three families often staying up to two weeks.
-Gilda, Sugar Belle, and Goji [non-binary]:
Pastel spends a lot of time in the Gilbelle household. The couple lives in Hushvale just outside of Trottingham with their child Goji who’s a young Griffin ambassador. Unlike his other “homes” Sugar and Gilda aren’t related to Pastel by blood but they consider him to be their second child. And for their part, Goji loves Pastel like he was their brother. He has his own room there and they have pictures of Pastel hanging on their wall. They even try to attend as many events Pas is part of and their efforts do not go unnoticed.
Pas loves them all so much and regularly sends them letters and presents.
-Double Diamond, Feather Bangs, and Baby Face [male]:
It’s no secret that Pastel’s a daddy’s boy. He <span class="caps">LOVES</span> his dads DD and Feather.
DD makes a lot of sacrifices to be in Pastel’s life. If Pas enters a competition that’s being held in Ponyville, Hushvale, or anywhere else, DD and often also Feather will travel to see it. Unlike Dash, DD never had any expectations of his son and just wants to see him happy. Luckily for DD, most of Pastel’s surfing competitions are held in his city of Port Shire. Pas also loves his baby brother and in his later years Baby Face looks up to his big bro.
Feather’s a great stepdad and very genuinely is interested in his stepson’s interests. He bought him his first surfboard and it now hangs on the wall in Pastel’s bedroom in Port Shire.
-Rainbow Dash, Dumbbell, and Hopscotch [female]:
Much to Dash’s chagrin, Pas is not a huge fan of his mom’s place. He loves Dash but he has a difficult relationship with her and his stepfather/stepsister.
Dash wanted a son who’d be interested in aerial racing and oddly, Pas rarely flies. He spent a lot of his formative years 1-6 with DD as Rainbow is a Wonderbolt, an Element of Harmony, a coach, and a Professor of Friendship. Even when he is living with RD, Pas spends most of his time with his friends in Ponyville. He doesn’t have a close relationship with her and he likes bonding with her but he really doesn’t enjoy her method of competitive sports. He also secretly dislikes his stepfather Dumbbell and his daughter Hopscotch.
Dash and Dummy had an affair together when Dummy was married to Hoppy’s mom Lightning Dust. Dash didn’t know at the time but she lost her mind at Dumbbell when she figured out. She told him it was her or Lightning and he did eventually leave Lightning and married Dash. However, that resulted in Dumbbell having to take full custody of a very surly and vindictive Hoppy.
Oddly enough, Hoppy is very clingy to Dash as her own mother forfeited all maternal connection with her after the divorce. Dash loves Hoppy but both her and Dumbbell tend to overindulge her out of guilt. As such, they sort of allow Hoppy to mistreat her stepbrother Pastel by not disciplining her when conflict arises.
Pas is very patient and he tends to just avoid her and Dumbbell [who also seems to dislike him for some reason]. This avoidance cuts in on his time with Dash, so the two are still working on their relationship.
While things may be rough with his Ponyville fam, Pas has a positive outlook and he believes that in time things will improve!
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