Requested by masonicon
The Grox are back in the Galactic Core and it’s time for the Sonic gang and MLP cast to stop them! Except for Rarity because for some reason she’s at Canterlot in a party with Equestria’s high class…
-Sonic & Rainbow Dash: We’re so awesome! We killed some Grox!
-Tails & Twilight Sparkle: Let’s fix this weapon!
-Knuckles & Applejack: Let’s kick some Grox!
-Amy & Pinkie Pie: It died from laughter! Hahahahahaha!
-Cream & Fluttershy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I’ve never played Spore in my life so yeah…. (Just think this takes place before Magical Mystery Cure. Trust me. Just don’t think this happens past that point.)
Models, Keyblade & Background:
-Everypony: shikidark.deviantart.com/art/M…
-Sonic and Cream: sab64.deviantart.com/
-Tails and Amy: mmdcharizard.deviantart.com/
-Knuckles: cjanpiel13.deviantart.com/art/…
-Grox: tokami-fuko.deviantart.com/art…
-All for One Keyblade: redrevolutionnaire.deviantart.…
-Galactic Core Background: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sp…
Sonic The Hedgehog is owned by
My Little Pony is owned by
Grox (Spore) are owned by Maxis and Electronic Arts
All for One Keyblade is owned by and