Uploaded on Wednesday night, March 15, 2023
Gift for every single one of you...who not only blessed me with the chance to give back to this beloved site by creating one of their collaboration badges this year, but partnering to ensure it was suited to the site in the best fashion possible. 🥰☺️
Everyone got tributes for a special reason in this one:
Ciaran - you were not only the first one to reply when I first expressed interest in drawing a badge for the collaboration this year, but you also helped me when I shared my interest message over to Discord. Additionally, you suggested I ask about said desire on Discord, and I can't thank you enough for that perfect intervention. 💗
saby - You were the one who actually took up the burden of creating the collaboration badge group on Discord, and I am so thankful you did. It helped me and you all share some really good tips and aspects of choosing the right badge this year, as well as sorting out site incorporation issues. Without this Discord group, I believe the work would have been much harder, so I am grateful for your timely suggestion and the resolve to start it. 🤗
Rainbow~Dash - Not only have you inspired me with your profile words, as well as granting me the honor of drawing you for the Collab this year - you were one of the first to be joined in Saby's group about collaboration badge discussions, along with LightningBolt. You guys all greatly helped (and I personally enjoyed the "Friday night reattack" we had in December, that really got to the core of the badge idea I'd be running with 😁). Once again you inspired me to do well, and that purpose is one I thank you for. 🌈
LightningBolt - Lightning, I was honored to draw Oliver for you this year's collaboration, but I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate you enforcing the spring theme of our collaboration again and again. Really helped me to not only pin down on your idea of drawing one of the Flower Trio ponies (Roseluck), but encouraged me so much I added her crystal variation. And the SVG requests really helped me optimize the badge work better too. Thanks for that SVG-uploading inspiration too! 😇
The Smiling Pony - thanks so much for helping my badges be optimized to site functionality, and thank you for this beautiful website in the first place. Derpibooru has helped me grow as an artist these past three and a half years, but also as a person - it is an encouragement I am so glad that summer of 2019 led me to. May this reward of your hard work and years past of creation continue to be strong for years to come. Greatest thanks of all. 🏅😌
All references used:
Lightning Dee: >>1308163, >>1599184
Firebrand: >>3022472
Rainbow~Dash: >>2999875 (my vector)
Saby: >>2984824 (also my vector)
Nocturnal Vision (me): Based on past vectors. Hood taken from Rainbow's vector above, with modifications.
And the awesome pose from Castle Sweet Castle that made this big gift all possible:
✨ Love you guys and this site this much, and a hundred times more. ✨
Highest Inkscape layer record (90 layers). 🥳🏅
7/23/23: Saby's pony name changed at their request.