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As requested & yet again a newer even more updated family tree with, some magical lesbian spawning, cross multiverse travel, some time travel & paradoxes that goes with them, insert fan character & with a very & extremely heavy does of Royal Habsburg Family Theory in practice, made into an all beautiful cluster mess that is this very family tree i hope you like this even more than the last one i made. (Princess Gold Lily & Princess Sterling are Twin Sisters is the Magical Lesbian Spawn Daughters of Pricess Celestia & Pricess Luna & they are in a Twincest relationship)
Also i got ia friend here wh wants to ask you something. Hello Bronies it is Princess Nyx Sparkle here & if it is ok i would like to ask what you all think about my family tree?
@Background Pony #8670
[bq=“Background Pony #8670”] Needs more incest, honestly. [/bq]
[bq=“Scrounge”] …I’m assuming this was meant to be a joke of some sort instead of just weird?
And also let us note that Skyla is still popping up, but nobody ever uses Princess Gold Lily or Princess Sterling for anything.
I’d say it’s more like a map made by someone who’s never been to the place they’re drawing a map of or drawn a map before. [/bq]
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