_+Do you wonder how will Pony video maker and Vinyl Scratch look like on the epilogue? Wonder no more! :D+_
<sup>- Original description for the piece. Released on October 20th, 2019</sup>
Well, it has been honestly a year since Friendship is Magic ended…wow. Today as a way of celebrating the first anniversary of the show’s finale I decided to finally upload a piece that I have kept outside of Derpibooru until now.
Basically, there’s not alot of genius logic to deduce that this is a drawing of Pony video maker and Vinyl Scratch now older and with kids, of course.
Even if this type of stuff isn’t new for peeps that are into Canon x OC, what I like the most about the drawing is simply the designs I gave to not only my OC and everyone’s favorite DJ horse but also of their kids, I’m still proud how they all came out.
This drawing was also not only a perfect chance to play around the idea of a time skip drawing and a change of character deisgn but also the perfect oportunity to make Vinyl older. here’s a funny anecdote, pretty much when this drawing was in production I started to fear that Vinyl made an appearance on the episode as an older pony and I didn’t noticed on my first watch, which I started to search for screencaps of the episode with Vinyl in it. Surprisingly enough, Vinyl’s only appearance in the episode was in the final 2 minutes of it, meaning there was no official design of her in an old age, which made production in the drawing a bit more exciting.
And while yes, the design I gave her isn’t exactly the most appropiate one for a pony like her, I’m still proud how she came out :P
Even still, I wish everyone takes this drawing with a pinch of salt, I’m not saying this is what offcially happened to Vinyl in the final episode (Especially since I added the tags “Non-canon” and “Fanfic art”), this was just a drawing I made for pure fun, everyone is still free to claim that Vinyl spent her life with Octavia, Neon Lights or your OCs. What makes a time skip drawing fun, is the endless futures that could exist, especially since I previously mentioned: Vinyl doesn’t make an apperance as an older pony on the episode
One last thing to mention, the kids doesn’t have names. It has been a year and I’m still without an idea how to name them (And pretty much there isn’t much to mention that I’m <ins><span class="caps">TERRIBLE</span></ins> at pony names.
That would be all, I’m gonna say that I’m considering making more art based on the time skip but that’s something time only can tell. Happy (late) 10th anniversary <span class="caps">MLP</span> and happy 1st anniversary to the series finale!
<del><sub>Also yes, Pony video maker does eventually get his cutie mark on the future, if you are wondering</sub></del>
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