Don’t worry, people. Their love is still safe. ❤
As I said before, if Rumble can have a crush on mares, it’s ok for Sweetie Belle to have a crush on stallions. But I won’t delve too much into this whole SweetieBangs craze for two reasons: I stopped care about Feather Bangs (and it seems the rest of the fandom too) and there’s not enough vectors of that pony which I could use for my art.
Besides, so many new ships are popping out lately that I couldn’t handle all of it. FlitteRumble, TwiTaps, SweetieBangs… these are cute precocious crush kind of ships. I’m not sure if they even qualify as ships in my point of view, I just sometimes like to see these characters doing something together. =P
I can only focus on three (or four) of my main ships. And these are: RumBelle, SoarinShy and TenderBloom.
Also, if I made some grammar errors in this comic, then I’m sorry.
MLP:FiM and all characters belongs to Hasbro & Lauren Faust.