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Meet Save Slot she is the Daughter/Granddaughter of Cream Heart & she is the Daughter/Little Sister of Button Mash.
Button Mash became A Father & A Big Brother to Save Slot during his very 1st year of Teenagehood. He was a very horny colt with a strong Oedipus Complex, and his naughty mommy was just as horny of a mare with an equally strong Jocasta Complex. And she always not only wanted to become a mother for the 2nd time, but she always wanted to become a grandmother as well. So why not hit 2 birds with 1 stone. And better to start very early, as she got closer and closer to the date when she would have no more eggs.
But what takes place when their inbreed filly enters her very own 1st year of teenagehood, as she is just as much of a horny pony as her parents, and with a massive case of Electra Complex to boot?
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