So, this is another comic i've made, a crossover between my human oc and sunbusting changeling oc, i've used many vectors i've found on the internet (and modified them to make a female changeling and put shades to it) to make it instead of puppet rigs, this comic was created BEFORE the sunbreaker comic, so this crossover takes part in a very long part of my AU, where incognito had unstone the legion of doom to forceful take information of them (gonna elaborate it more when the time comes) and after that he turn them back to stone, however a very devoted to chrysalis smoll changeling have witnesses such event, she was trying to unstone chrysalis for so long, and yet that creature just done it with zero effort... and turned her back to stone, this have bugged the bug too much, but he was already gone when she noticed, until one day he pops in the changeling hive while she was trying to find another way to free chrysalis, she had hope in her eyes to finally find that creature again who could solve all her problems and shouts to him: "Hey! Monkey man!!!"
Once again, go check sunbusting out! NOW! she is awesome.