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Princess Luna and her two daughters are out on a night stroll, while Sombra is sleeping peacfully inside the castle.
LUNA: Girls, do you see the stars up on the sky?
AMAYA: Yes, mother, and it looks like they're creating a picture!
LUNA: It's because they are, sweetie. They're constellations. Can you see what it is?
AMAYA: I think it's the.. Ursa Minor?
LUNA: That's right, Amaya! How about you, Moon? Do you see any pictures in between the stars?
MOONRISE: I can see.. my sister's crown! She'd snatch the crown, putting it on her own head.
AMAYA: Moon! You silly little filly! She'd laugh at her younger sister's antics.
LUNA: You're both silly. She'd chuckle. Let's head back inside, it's getting late.
Art/Dolling, Amaya, Moonrise Serenity (c)
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