I'm counting this as a Valentines Day vector, it works well enough. Outfit comes from a music video. I've wanted to recreate this outfit for months now, finally did it. The pattern on the jacket was a pain and it made everything laaaaaaaaaag like crazy, but it turned out good. I copied the pattern from a picture of the pants, but ponies don't (usually) wear those. It's fine, it's fine.
The wings were an interesting challenge, I obviously couldn't have just slapped fake red featured wings on him, that would look silly on a pony who already has wings. So I opted to instead get creative, dyed wings. Really simple for me, make them red, and add a small gradient to the wing hole in the jacket so it's obvious he just dyed his wings and not his entire torso. Feathers can be dyed IRL, why not a pony? He should just be wary to not get caught in the rain, that would turn it into a murder scene.
I used a 'new' technique on the eyeshadow to try and make it look sparkly and glittery. At least I gave it some depth. I don't think it counts as crossdressing if the only crossdressing element is heels, but if you think the tag applies, idk add it I guess. It's still flamboyant, and that's why I love him. :)
You know, and the 50000000 other reasons.