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Uploaded on Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Gift for Brokedownandmadeone, one of the most accomplished metadata contributors I have ever witnessed on this site in my three years here. Never before have I seen someone so dedicated in so many areas, especially the artist aliases thread - this guy is something else. 😁🥳
So I created a gift OC out of his profile pic, Twilight-ified Rainbow Dash (previously this edit) - just to say thank you. And an honorary. 🏅😇
%***also because I've wanted to draw this OC-ified for a while now and finally got around to it*** 😆😋%
Thanks for all your work on Derpibooru Brokedown! 🤗 I appreciate it making things easier on here and I'm sure the rest of Derpi does too.🎖️
Named his OC rendition Rainbound Dash along with the profile name, but he can change it if he prefers a different one. ⚡
Head and eyes are from >>1966959; ears and rest of body are from >>1552464.
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