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Group art commission for Blaze,Cartoonbondage101,Cold Front,Deadie,EndoArm,Fireheart,Lady Lightning Strike,Setsugekka,Violet Rose
↓↓↓↓↓↓ Story HERE ↓↓↓↓↓↓
Becoming Submissive Together Story
↑↑↑↑↑↑ Story HERE ↑↑↑↑↑↑
(Story written by Blaze and Lady Lightning Strike)
Becoming submissive :
1: Becoming submissive 1 Luna
2: Becoming submissive 2 Celestia
3: Becoming submissive 3 Cadance
4: Becoming submissive 4 Twilight
5: Becoming submissive 5 Chrysalis
6: Becoming submissive 6 Flurry Heart
7: Becoming submissive 7 Fausticorn
8: Becoming submissive 8 Fleur de lis
9: Becoming submissive 9 Applejack
Please, dont forget to leave a comment, I want know how improved my work.
You want a commission ? go here : Commission Chart
Art by : Damlanil
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