Killer Epic's FO:E Mod ππ₯
This is my alternate universe take on his character. Carries a darker color version of Blackjack's Vigilance.π
Killer Epic is the main frontman on the headcanon FO:E module world alicorn resistance against the raider revolution, and being so, is its leader. He also became the caretaker to "Nocturnal Vision":/tags/oc-colon-nocturnal+vision after rescuing her from "Blink":/tags/oc-colon-blinker, when the fire-winged alicorn had tried to enlist her. Back when the reformed alicorn was still a member of the rebellion known as Stable-Wreck, he was caught by Epic trying to forcefully recruit "Nocturnal Vision":/tags/oc-colon-nocturnal+vision into his commune by kidnapping. The wanderer girl couldn't stand up because of her fear, but Killer Epic came to her rescue and defended her, while fighting the rogue alicorn to chase him off. He was soon gratefully appreciated by the wandering little brown pone, who was excited all at once to have both met and been rescued by her favorite artist.
Killer Epic and "Nocturnal Vision":/tags/oc-colon-nocturnal+vision became immediate best friends, even very close on certain occasions. And he vowed to protect her as her constant pony-world guardian - a status he continues to hold, even now as the liberation's lead pony. π
While he usually seeks to avoid battles at all costs, Killer Epic is a specially trained gunfighter and will not hesitate to fight by fire if it is absolutely necessary. In honor of the great Fallout leader Blackjack, he has borne a variant of her authentic Vigilance - which has become his most notable asset as well.π
Carries also a pinstrap pocketknife (similar to the one "Rustic Charm":/tags/oc-colon-rustic+charm has but smaller, not visible on this image), and a very well-versed knowledge of his magical ability. In summary, the second-most powerful alicorn via the resistance, second only to the "Cognitum alicorn herself.":/tags/oc-colon-true+resistance π
Update, 13 days later (5/2/21): How the heck did I miss his wing gradient?! D:< Fixed :/