And once again at the heart of it all is the accursed Bell of Grogar, which he also refers to as “The Bewitching Bell”. Either way, it is the source of every ounce of trouble the world of Equestria has experienced, without it even realizing – and noone still knows how this is, and how it’s truly connected to Grogar. I will say this about the cursed artifact of infinite power. It isn’t just the Original Grogar’s magic, or any magic it devours when used, that’s housed in that relic of evil.
Anyway, allow me to show all of you the main villain roster of my Season 9 Redux series. Kind of spoiling their appearances in the finale, but who really cares? Almost all of us have seen the series finale by now, so it isn’t a full-on mystery. Especially when i’m adding 3 others into the roster, though one of the members in this pic is an alpha of their species, and is thus among the villains. All of them have been enhanced by the Bell in this picture, while in the background we see Grogar………..and….Grogar?
Alright, clearly something’s going on around here, and there’s far more to Grogar than anyone imagined.
Either way, this is to basically symbolize the sort of dual nature of the Legion: One one side we hold those who believe themselves in control, and work endlessly to make it that way while unaware of what’s really going on. On the other, we have a secret band of schemer hidden WITHIN the faction who have been preparing for ultimate war, under the guidance of the one who has ultimately been orchestrating everything from behind the scenes: Lord Tirek. Hence his position in the middle: throughout the story, he actually makes plans to manipulate the team, and pull all strings either in secret, or directly by commanding two of their number (Sombra and Erebus, the Pony of Shadows). All while secretly allowing the Grogar who recruited the team to believe HE’S the one in control, when all along he’s being undermined by Tirek, and has secret plans being created right under his nose.
Because Tirek has a darker, and more evil force guiding him along the way to aid in his adapting plans. A force that, in fact, represents the Original aka the real Grogar, who communes to Tirek through the Darkness via both Sombra’s broken horn, and the Red Crystal of Rabia as he dubbed it thanks to Sombra’s inane rants about it being his actual mother. It is a link into the true Hell of Equestria: The Realm of Darkness, where the essence of the being known as Grogar resides. And it is through this connection that the two are drawn to each other. Not in a manipulative way, or anything like that.
The Darkness they both hold make them compatible in a potentially symbiotic relationship.
This is how Tirek knows not to trust the figure calling himself Grogar, as he’s warned that the old goat is NOT what he seems. And thus, the two engage in a long, manipulative game of chess that puts all of the pieces where they belong, and provides more pawns than they could ever hope for in the form of their hybrid beasts, the Tiracians. When the time comes, the imposter is deposed, and the true power of the bell is awakened, the conquest of Equestria can begin. Yet the legion of darkness, as Tirek now calls it, is unaware of the plans he has in store. Plans that will not only guarantee that his ultimate goal of claiming the magic of equestria is fulfilled………..but also, a far more sinister plan that spans beyond the centuries, and draws upon the great Cataclysms of three generations past. One that will bring forth a new age of darkness, allow him to join with the Father of Monster’s essence to become God of Darkness, and Destruction to this fourth generation……………and then see all of ponykind, along with all living things erased from existence.
Let The Light be forever extinguished.
Read the rest here: https://www.deviantart.com/kahnac/art/MLP-FIM-Season-9-AU-The-Legion-of-Darkness-815247280