A couple of months ago Noobie requested a drawing where Microburst and Autumn could be together, hugging, as a way to symbolize the friendship and care that both Lobinchi and Noobie had. Unfortunately, due of personal circumstances, I couldn’t work with the desired rhythm and only been able to make the sketch, while Cyan Lightning offered and agreed to work on the vector, so it can appear with the rest of our friends in the Community Collaboration; technically… it was a collaboration inside of a collaboration. Thank you so much for helping with this, without you this wouldn’t have been possible.
Original description:
[bq=“Cyan Lightning”]Requested by nooby for memorial of our friend that no longer with us in this world, Lobinchi. Honestly, while I was doing the working on the vector, it’s just saddening, remember one of my friend that I was quite close with is just…… Well no longer with me, but still at the end I am glad that I still can keep her Legacy alive.
SVG https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLwtpq3D20rMdeiV7bl2gXR2BO99qWVc/view?usp=sharing