I’d be grumpy too if I wore clothes of those colors too, yeesh. (But lack of fashion sense is why I made him wear that!)
Pre-zombie form, so…around year 2004 IRL time. I made up the buttons on his shirt. I just thought “2004” which ended up being Linkin Park and Sonic Heroes in my head. Also colored hair streaks and dyed hair in general.
Since he’s not a zombie yet, his eyes are normal, he has no stitches and scars (except a couple hidden on his hooves) no exposed bones, no fangs, no torn ears. Just a normal, grumpy, earth pony.
Something about his hair makes me think of SOMETHING now, dunno what, but the colors make me feel like they resemble something. Maybe I just made him look like an OC now, idk.
Boring pose, but I like the idea of a grumpy pony being forced to look like he has to sit still.
Anyway, I just based his hair and outfit off whatever potato quality old photos Google decided to share with me, so have links to a few.
Every one of those photos is worse than the last.
Alternate version with makeup. Yes, it looks like a black eye.