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Pinie Pie Version: [link]Here is the Rainbow Dash only version as well: [link] Edit 4: 15000+ Views Edit 3: 500+ Faves, 10000+ Views and 650+ Downloads you’re AWESOME! Edit 2: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh 1000+ Views 150+ Faves and 100+ Downloads!! Edit: Wow! Already 100+ Faves and 500+ Views!! Thanks everypony!I saw ‘s picture [link] and thought: “hey, this needs more ponies!” and bam here it is Vectors by:Rainbow Dash…………….: Derpy Hooves……………..: Pinkie Pie…………………….: Spitfire………………………….: Octavia…………………………: Haro Parish………………….: DJ P0N-3……………………..: Princess Celestia…………: Bon-Bon……………………….: Fleur de Lis………………….: Lyra……………………………..: Trixie……………………………: Cutie Mark Crusaders…: Twilight Sparkle………….: Future Twilight Sparkle: Princess Luna……………: Photo Finish………………: Fluttershy…………………..: Applejack………………….: Braeburn…………………..: Rarity………………………..: Spike………………………..: Zecora………………………: Daring Do…………………..: Copyright byMy Little Pony: HasbroFriendship is Magic:
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