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Based off an old promotional photo. Bonus of two extra screencaps of the same thing from Life On The Murder Scene DVD. 1 2
Background is a bit basic, but backgrounds are hard, and the fact that it even slightly resembles what it’s supposed to is a miracle.
Also blood is hard to do, very hard, and I probably went a bit heavy on it, so it looks like they all murdered someone, or poked their eyes out, but maybe that was the point. There’s no turning back now. Also I managed to do all this in one day, somehow, I didn’t stall and finish it another day or something, just all at once.
I’ve also noticed there is not enough specific blood related tags here, mostly just blood
for everything, no dipping blood, no bloody hooves, no blood on fur, no blood in hair, no blood on teeth… How sad.
Blood blood blood blood blood blood
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