<ins>Artist’s description:</ins>
Nicknames: Dandee, D.A., DeeDee.
Parents: Applejack and Promontory
Age: 23
Dandee is a strong, reliable and hardworking pony. He’s very loyal to his family and his roots. Family always comes first for this young stallion. He’s really close with his cousin Suncrisp. He see’s her more of a sister then a cousin. Pretty much a laid back kinda guy Dandee can be quite stubborn and headstrong at times when pushed too far. He can get quite competitive as well especially with Storm. (They are their mother’s sons after all.) He’s also a terrible liar like Applejack. XD And he’s a bit of a mama’s boy too, he’d do anything for his mother.
And you can guess by looking at his cutie mark, he’s into music. He’s a musician and a real talented one at that. He’s able to play quite a few instruments. Dandee’s favourite instrument to play is the piano. He’s also a pretty good singer too. Whenever he’s not working on the farm or hanging out with his friends you can find him practicing his music. He also has quite a number of young females admirers swooning over him wherever he goes.
Dandee is the oldest outta the Mane Six’s foals and acts as a big brother to all of them.
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Lauren Faust & Hasbro
Dandee & Art © The Phoebster