Colt Quest:
A cyoa by FicFicponyfic.
Chapter 48 begins!
“Let’s go check out the Red Stripe. Maybe we’ll get some ideas.” Nishan says, pointing them in the direction of the bar.
The group walks some ways over to the bar. The outside seems nice enough. It’s a tall, white and blue square building, though it’s clear that the bar is only in the basement section of it because of a neon sign pointing down a staircase that reads ‘Red Stripe’. There are no windows on the establishment, at least that Emerald can see into.
“S-so we are going to be using me as bait right? You said there is no way that Emerald would get inside.” Loupe says, turning to Nishan, who is staring at the door.
Emerald says that he could just loiter somewhere outside the building, or perhaps across the street.
“Hmm… You know if you really want to do this, I suppose we could age you up with a potion…” Nishan says, rubbing her chin, “But that also limits the time you can be out. I think most of those potions only last a few hours.”
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
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Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
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