Posts tagged ponyville mysteries
Short description: A CMC-centered series of novellas by "Penumbra Quill" (a pen name for Mike Vogel and Nicole Dubuc) and comics from IDW.
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Detailed description:
Book Series:
Each progresses a common storyline, featuring the CMC solving another
mystery involving the family of Lilymoon, recent
arrivals to Ponyville.
Book 1: Schoolhouse of Secrets (July
Book 2: The Tail of the Timberwolf
(July 2017)
Book 3: Riddle of the Rusty
Horseshoe (Oct 2017)
Book 4: Peryton Panic (Jan 2018)
Book 5: Cursed Crusaders (April 2018)
Book 6: Journey to the Livewood (June
Comic Series:
Ponyville Mysteries #1
Welcome to a new series of mystery and intrigue! The Cutie Mark
Crusaders discover their inner detectives and solve crimes nopony else
can! Will they be able to discover who is stealing supplies from
Ponyville hospital and get their schoolwork done at the same time? (May
Ponyville Mysteries #2
There’s a major mystery at the… bowling alley? Ponyville’s team is set
to break a bowling record, but the alley keeps being ransacked by a
mystery criminal! Will the Cutie Mark Crusaders be able to set the pins
right and solve the caper? (June 2018)
Ponyville Mysteries #3
The Cutie Mark Crusaders must solve a dangerous mystery at the Ponyville
Retirement Village before it’s forced to close! Is one of the
curmudgeonly residents to blame or could it be a villain from their
past? (July 2018)
Ponyville Mysteries #4
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are trying to solve the case of the missing spa
water! But what happens when all signs point to a member of a
Crusader’s own family being the culprit? (August 2018)
Ponyville Mysteries #5
The Crusaders have their biggest case yet when a priceless artifact
belonging to superstar Songbird Serenade is stolen! (September 2018)
Other book series:
My Little Pony Chapter Books
Daring Do Adventure Collection
My Little Pony Princess