Posts tagged oc:sky spark
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oc:sky spark 156Tag changes
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OC/Sona of: Mikey
Species: Unicorn, female
Interested in: Mares and Stallions.
A very friendly and outgoing mare, she has a knack for finding
interesting things in the sky, and loves Astronomy with a passion.
Microburst is her
best friend, and they regular hang out, she thinks of him as the brother
she never had. She spends many nights a week in her Ponyville home using
her treasured telescope, looking in the stars. She hopes to one day
become an astrophysicist, though she’s currently stuck at a dead-end job
working carts at the Ponyville Hay-Mart.
She likes quiet nights and sitting in her home on cold days with a nice
mug of hot tea. She also enjoys indulging in a very….. comfortable
pastime in her alone time.