Posts tagged oc:princess neon boom
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oc:princess neon boom 62Tag changes
Aliases: neon boom, princess neon boom
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Aliases: neon boom, princess neon boom
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Species/gender:Alicorn, female
Neon Boom is the Princess of a city called Raverly, she rules along side
her younger brother Prince Neon Bass. Neon Boom falls under the category
of precedent when it comes to leadership. She powers her city with her
neon magic and rules over all ‘Neon’ ponies. Boom’s magic skills are
strong, but not as one that races the sun and moon.
A popular OC around 2012, Neon Boom has been stolen multiple times and
is infamous for her over the top appearance. She isn’t meant to be taken
seriously in the show’s canon, but is rather just a fun, excited