Posts tagged oc:azure lightning
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Detailed description:
Creator: Cyan Lightning
Species: Pegasus, female (filly)
Hometown/Residence: Manehattan
Blue Lightning (Father)
Green Lightning (Mother)
Cyan Lightning (Elder Brother)
Emerald Lightning (Twin Sister)
Azure Sky Lightning is a member of the Lightning family and the Sky
family on her mom’s side. She is an artistic painter, cheerful and warm
filly. But she is also a bit of loner, shy and an introvert. She loves
painting and being around her siblings. But dislikes being with an
unfamiliar pony and waiting for too long. She loves to listen to the
sounds of nature, especially in the morning. She has a dream of becoming
a famous painter and owning an art museum with a gallery of her art.
Before an incident involving her and her brother, she was more like her
twin sister, a tomboyish and cheerful filly. She was quite happy with
the attention that her mother gave to her and her sister. Though before
long, she realized that her brother didn’t get enough attention. She and
her twin sister tried to get their mother to give him the validation he
needed, but they were unsuccessful. That ended with an incident with her
and her brother, which traumatized her as a filly. She became
introverted and shy. She was unable to talk with other ponies without
being embarrassed. Even so, she was still glad her brother changed and
she helped him to regain others’ trust since he stopped being a bully