Posts tagged hard vore
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hard vore 343Tag changes
Short description: Vore in which the one being consumed is chewed or torn apart while being eaten.
Implies: vore
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Short description: Vore in which the one being consumed is chewed or torn apart while being eaten.
Implies: vore
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"Hard vore (sometimes simply called ‘gore’) is where the person is often subjected to horrific injuries and involves lots of blood because of the ripping, cutting, biting, tearing and/or chewing of flesh. It is not typically thought of as either sensually or sexually motivated." -Mark Griffiths, Eaten to death: A beginner’s guide to vorarephilia
Violent, "realistic" vore. Expectant realities that come with eating another being are depicted in great detail. Almost a certainty that the grimdark and grotesque tag are needed.