Posts tagged exploitable meme
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Short description: Meme images with low original artistic content
Implies: meme
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Short description: Meme images with low original artistic content
Implies: meme
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4 player meme, 40kponyguy pinkie pie meme, 6 pony meme, adventure meme, advice meme, alicorn flash, always ship this, apple bloom's bad joke, apple bloom's cutie mark, apple closet, applejack and rainbow dash playing, applejack's bed partner, applejack's opinion, applejack's special marshmallows, arcade meme, awesome cutie mark, babs the rapper, bad advice fluttershy, bad gift meme, bad luck brian, bad treasure, battery game, bed meme, berry's sign, big bad brad, big mac's big mouth, birthday game, blingee, bon bon's note meme, book cover meme, bowser censor, box meme, cadance laughs at your misery, cadance's bedtime stories, cadance's mirror, cave meme, celestia's grave meme, celestia's nightmare, celestia's proclamation, celestia's true form, cheerilee pun, cheerilee's clipboard meme, chickun, chrysalis laughs at your misery, cinema meme, clopping meme, cloudchaser's note meme, coloring with sweetie belle, comic book meme, computer meme, conspiracy cadance, conspiracy fluttershy, conspiracy keanu, conspiracy lyra, conspiracy seapony lyra, conspiracy shining armor, conspiracy snips, conspiracy sweetie belle, conspiracy twilight sparkle, coronation meme, covalent board, dash's little secret, dashie meme, death battle, deep thought larson, deeply intrigued cadance, derpy alone, derpy's door, devious sweetie belle meme, dice game, discord's painting, discord's portal, discovery meme, do it for her, don't let your kids watch it, don't make it happen, doom faust, doom paul, door meme, draw on me, employer meme, everywhere meme, evil people finding dash meme, expand dong, face crazier than this meme, fangasp meme, filly twilight telling an offensive joke, first day brony, fistful of yen, flash sentry savior of the universe, flash's paper, flashface, fluffle puff's plans, fluffy meme, flurry heart's chalkboard, fluttershy note meme, fluttershy's cutie, fluttershy's note meme, forced meme meme, gala meme, gamer meme, get out of the way rarity, good people finding dash meme, goofy time, gun meme, high score plays, hotdog meme, i didn't listen, idiot sentry, if you see this image while scrolling, insane twilight, inside the cake meme, interchrome meme, is this supposed to be humorous, joestar meme, john's chalkboard meme, juxtaposition fail, knock knock meme, letter meme, letter to spike, littlepip's televison meme, look what trixie found, lord tirek's outstretched arms, luna phone meme, luna's nightmare, lyra's score, lyra's sign meme, magic mirror meme, mailbox meme, make it happen, mane 6 interests, maud's painting, memeception, memegenerator, memento, mentally disturbed brony dad, movie theater meme, ms. harshwhinny's professional chalkboard, museum meme, must be a spell, nature is so fascinating, neo geo celestia, neutral people finding dash meme, news meme, newspaper meme, nope.avi, not sure if, old meme, origin generator, petunia paleo's discovery, petunia paleo's unsettling cutie mark, phone meme, pinkie pie's sign, pinkie presenter, pinkie sticks her face into the portal meme, pinkie's note meme, pinkie's refrigerator, pinkievision meme, pipsqueak's shrine, portal meme, prom queen meme, psychic paper meme, quickmeme, rainbow dash's centerfold, rainbow dash's slideshow, rarity smooches, reaction guys, reaction if, reaction if mlp fim was done by x, reaction if x becomes a brony, reaction if x buys hasbro, reaction if x works with hasbro, reading rainbow, replacement meme, retarded twilight meme, rib meme, sad movie meme, same voice actor, screamcord, screaming armor, screaming sentry, secret pot meme, shining's scary stories, snipelight glimmer, soda meme, spike card meme, spike holding a paper, spilled milk, star swirl ice-cream koan, starlight bedridden, starlight's confessions, stupid screwball meme, sudden clarity sweetie belle, sunset is disgusted, sunset is not willing to learn, sunset screamer, sunset shimmer reaching for things, sunset yells at twilight, sunset's art critics, sunset's board, sunset's daydream, surprise door, sweetie's note meme, telescope meme, that door, that is beautiful, the scary door, theater meme, thinking applejack meme, tirek vs everyone meme, trixie fixing meme, trixivision, truth meme, tv meme, twilight holding food, twilight rustler meme, twilight scepter meme, twilight's fact book, twilight's projection, twily face meme, twiscream, two words meme, ultrasonic rainboom, unimpressed trixie meme, universe is so fascinating, unpopular opinion sparrow, ur getting meme, voice actor reveal meme, what's in the box?, what's on the laptop sunset?, whining armor, who destroyed twilight's home, wut if gummy wuz a meme, zoom enhance upscale
Detailed description:
Tag used for meme images that follow a premade template or convention,
and are mostly made via copy-pasting two images together or adding some
text to an image.