A loud “MREOW!” was heard inside the entire castle, echoing through walls and rooms. Twilight Sparkle, who was searching for some tools to further understand and research about the race of a certain guest, suddenly jumped by the noise and instinctively teleported back to where she originally was…
...When she teleported back, the lavender princess couldn’t help but let out a little shameful giggle at the scene, at the same trying to maintain a serious façade…
Pinkie Pie, who seemingly appeared from Celestia knows where, was hugging the catplone guest Twilight was trying to research… The alicorn princess could pretty much imagine the scenario and put the pieces together in her head… The pony is new in Ponyville, and was probably just waiting Twilight while she went to search stuff, and, of course, Pinkie Pie teleported at random and then ‘GLOMP!’, the plane pony was surprised and ensnared by a excited Pinkie Pie.
“Hi Twilight! Look what I found!” Pinkie Pie said, happy as ever, of her new ‘prey’ she just found. Twilight tilted her head a little to look at the reaction of the other individual, and, as she expected, he was completely confused. The plane pony looked back at her and uttered a soft yet nervous “Nyaaa” which quite possibly meant something akin to “Halp…”
“Pinkie, put him down, he’s anxious” Twilight said, her hoof going to cover her face as she facehoofed at the scene.
“But… but he’s new to Ponyville! And he’s so cuuuuuuteeeee!” the pink menace replied, hugging tighter the poor plane pony, who made a little squeak that resembled the one of toys. “Look how he squeaks!”
“I… I think you’re crushing him” Twilight said matter-of-factly, trying to talk Pinkie down and solve this ‘cuddle toy hostage situation’ she found herself into. Deep inside she was laughing at the whole situation, but she had to keep a serious face.
“No way you silly, haven’t you heard ‘Tighter the squeeze, more the love?’” The hape-master retorted, proceeding to hug even tighter the plone, who was trying to escape the monster’s claws. “Also… he’s so fluffy and smol! I could literally eat you up! You’re like a toy!” she continued, nuzzling her new huggable ‘toy’, her hostage blushing quite a bit and trying to free himself using his wings to no avail, a small ‘Vrrrrrrr’ could be heard as background noise, possibly the plane pony trying to fly off the situation.
“I would say that Rainbow Dash strongly disagrees with your theory” the alicorn in the room replied, remembering that time where she gave Dash some bone-crushing snuggles, “Also, that’s not how you use the word ‘literally’”. She looked back at the white pony, who was seemingly now trying the strategy of ‘Playing possum’, and calmly directed towards him “Don’t worry, she’s not mean, she’s just excited to find a new friend”. The white plone nodded awkwardly and just stopped trying to reach freedom.
“See? He likes the hug! We’re friends now! I’m going to make you a party that you will love!” Pinkie exclaimed, squeezing her new friend.
“Are you going to free him already?” Twilight questioned to her friend, who was still not done with the anxious plone
“Um… nope” The pink partier said and winked at her
Twilight exhaled a loud sigh and facehoofed again, levitating the things she brought towards a nearby table, then replied back “…Atleast can I keep asking him questions?”
This is a little silly drawing I’ve made for the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM, trying to follow the prompt as much as possible:
“Show a pony (or other FiM race) meeting, having fun, working with and/or learning about other kinds of ponies (race or culture) or creatures!”
In this case, Twilight was trying to learn more about plane ponies… atleast before doom happened and poor Bashful Interceptor gone from plone to cuddle toy in less than a second XD. (Don’t ask why she has a potion; just thought it would make sense).
Also, the little Interceptor is neither scared nor angry, he’s just quite anxious himself with socialness and he definitely wasn’t expecting a surprise Pinkie Pie jumpscare along with glomp and a side dish of super-hugs.
(And no, he’s not smol, he’s fun size! Know the difference! XD)