There was a time, many decades ago, when Abacus Cinch and her little sister Harshwhinny were as carefree as any other happy little pair of fillies. The years to come would be oppressive for Abacus in particular, whose sense of entitlement would lead her to take on a life’s mission that was completely ill-fitting for her. Whinny always hoped that Abbie would cast off her family pride and pass the orphanage on to somepony who was not only better suited for the job, but could actually find fulfillment in caring for the foals. But what did Whinny know? She was the second-born and could do whatever she wanted with her life. Somepony had to remain and uphold the Cinch family honor, and damn the cost!
Harshwhinny, for her part, went into athletics, then coaching, and at some point married fashionista Prim Hemline (nee Pristine Hematite, Zesty and Dandy’s half-sister). Prim has a kid from a previous marriage whom Whinny co-parents. But that’s another story for another day.