“What? You never seen a changeling hybrid before? Well take a gander cause that as much of a show as you’re getting!”
Full name: Victorious March
Nickname: Victor
Sex: Male
Race: Changeling/pegasus
Parents: Scootaloo and Kevin (the changeling)
Siblings: N/A
Talent: Mixing cocktails (alcoholic and nonalcoholic)
Later Occupation: Bartender
Home Town: Ponyville
Current Residence: Manehatten
Personality: A major sourpuss, generally found scowling at others even when he isn’t annoyed. Due to his resting face being… bitchy, he has very few friends and tends to be bitter toward strangers. His best friend, Capoeira, is the only one he smiles at and defers to her as his ‘captain’. He is very loyal and honest toward adults, despite looking as if he is dismissing them.
Likes: Capoeria (platonically), puzzles and sweets
Dislikes: judgmental ponies and his ‘queen’.
Bio: Victor prefers his disguised form for various reason (it draws less attention and is easier to maintain) but the main reason is because he and his father are in hiding. Kevin is a runaway from another hive (not Chrysalis’) and has been in hiding for years. Due to how strict and violent his hive is toward runaway’s, Victor is advised to remain in his disguised form when outside. This works for him since he hates the looks he gets from not only other changelings but ponies as well. He only opened up to Capoeira, who called him a ‘bitter bug’ and told him to ‘stop being a whiny colt about folks being mean.’ He preferred her blunt and somewhat harsh words to the sugared comforts teachers would give him.
- For reason unclear, Victor can’t fly in his natural form. It’s theorized that Kevin’s tribe has wings cause they are changelings but haven’t needed flight for a long time so they lost the ability. As such, both Victor and Kevin’s wings are only capable of making a soft clicking sound when flapped, usually when they are happy.