Finally, the Apple/Shy family branch’s first born, Late Riser.
Funny story behind this little boy’s design; it was heavily influenced by the fact that he was the last one in line. I kind of wanted to break up the descending height of the children by making the very last one much bigger and I already made up my mind that the last child would be carry a glass of orange juice on their head. That all led to the idea of the oldest child having woke up late and his younger siblings beat him to every other breakfast item except the OJ. Him waking up late led to the idea that sleeping was somehow his talent which led to his name. I was also considering calling him 40 Winks and I still like that name, but I wasn’t sure about giving him a number in his name.
Riser has a lot of influence from Fluttershy’s family. He has the lanky body that Fluttershy had when she was a filly and that his Uncle Zephyr has as an adult, has his mother’s eye shape, his grandmother’s mane-style, and of course, he is a pegasus. I did sneak a few more subtle things from Mac’s side of the family in. Obviously his shaggy hooves are from his Dad, but his mane is the same shade as his dad’s coat, his coat is the same shade as his Great Granny Smith’s and his eye color came from part of her eye colors as well. His mane was originally supposed to be a shaggier version of his Aunt Apple Bloom’s mane, but I didn’t really care for that idea so I went back to the family to look for some ideas. I settled on Mrs. Shy’s mane, but tried to make it more of pompadour. I’ve made some adjustments from the Mother’s Day picture, adding more lines to the mane and shrinking down the mane on his neck.
And that’s my FlutterMac Family! You can probably tell who I put more thought into their design by how much I had to write about them.