Ponyville 10 year from season 2.
Why don't go for a promenade in Ponyville? Do you recognize the ponies wandering in the town?
Oh look! There is Princess Twilight Sparkle informally going for a walk with her friends, Captain on the Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash ("No, Derpy! You can't become a Wonderbolt!") and famous fashion designer Rarity. Oh, but what is Pinkie Pie eating? Probably a chocolate cake form Sugarcube Corner, where she works with the Cakes; she is also the personal chef of the princess!
Little Pound Cake and Pipsqueak (who's not a pipsqueak anymore), Shiny Lime, Rocker and Shady Daze has noticed her. You are so random Pinkie Pie!
Wait! Is that Applejack from the great Sweet Apple Acres? And she is with her newbrn Pink Pearl :heart: Applebloom follow them quietly, and behind her three fillies are playing: those are Cream Puff, Jolly Feather and Pumpkin Cake. And again behind them thare are Ponyville idol Sweetiebelle and wonderbolt-wannabe Scootaloo chatting.
Here come Valentine and Mint for a walk. They are enjoining the gentle wind of Equestria, the warmth of the sun that burns in the sky...
Talking about skies, what's happening over there? Butterfly Lover, you are such a naughty pony sometimes! Laughing at poor Dinky who fell down her hot air balloon... Hope someone will save her! Maybe a sleepy pony who's watching all the scene from the clouds...
Fluttershy, you look worried. Is that little bird worrying you?