Ares: LUNAMAC, A part of the Night Guard.
Ares is an earth pony ‘cause his father was. He is destined to be the general of the Equestrian army. Luna and Mac met after Luna found him in his dreams, and met him in Ponyville. They dated, and eventually married. Ares was a frightful young foal, biting and fighting and doing whatever he could to be the devil. Since then he is still breaking rules, but he is much better at following them and leading his friends. He could transcend into an alicorn, but most likely not. His talent is obviously leadership and guardsmen. No love interests.
Magic Act: TRIXBLOOD/BLUETRIX, A famous Magician.
Blueblood needed something to put him back into a positive light, so he looked around and found Trixie, offering her a large amount of bits if she were to concieve his child. She agreed, her magic show being so unsuccessful after the Alicorn Amulet fiasco. She named the Unicorn Magic Act right before Blueblood skipped on the deal and leaving her in a remote village and taking the foal. Blueblood wasn’t a nurterer, and let his maids and servants care and raise the foal into a colt, where he had a knack for magic. Learning about his father’s deal, he began to dislike him and began to search for his mother. He is the strong and silent type. A lot of mares have a crush on him for his royalty, his looks, and his magic, but he does not express the need for romance.
Ambrosia: RARIJACK, A botanist.
She’s like the southern belle type, she sounds distinctantly southern with a touch of that fancy tone that Rarity has. She’s kind and sweet and extremely happy with what she does. She’s absolutely enamored with Magic Act, which her family discourages. She’s a bit like Juliet, in this case, even if her Romeo hardly notices her. Magic Act has met her twice before, once during the Grand Galloping Gala, and again when he performed near Ponyville. He feels little towards her, seeing her as only another fan. He doesn’t feel much, really, but he will talk to her if necessary. I feel that if they did get into a romantic relationship, it would be like the song “Beekeeper’s Daughter” by All-American Rejects. If she were to be any Element of Harmony, she would be TRUST!
Prince Dawn: TWILESTIA, Prince of the Sunrise.
He is an earth pony because his mum’s (Twilight’s) artificial alicorn genes and momma’s (Celestia’s) genuine alicorn genes cancelled each other out, resulting in an earth pony. However, by forgiving PRINCESS LARVA for kidnapping him and all the torture and fear she put him through, he was able to transcend through the charity, compassion, loyalty, honesty, and optimism of forgiveness. It is likely he could fall in love with Larvae, but he also likes PINATA. If he were an Element of Harmony, he would be FORGIVENESS!
Piata: PINKIEDASH, runs a party convience store.
His name is Piata! Basically he is a lot like his mama, (Pinkie Pie) loving to go parties and to fly around! His birth mother was Rainbow Dash (much to her displeasure), which he gains his aptitude and love for flight and his passion for competition. He owns a party supplies shop in Ponyville, where he creates piatas, streamers, party hats, and everything under the sun that has to do with parties! He is more or less grounded than his little sister, taking after his mom, Rainbow Dash, a bit more. However, he loves having a good time, playing with his sister, and flying around Ponyville and helping whoever needs to be helped. He is always in a good mood, so if he were an Element of, lets say, other elements of Harmony, he would be OPTIMISM! He has a bit of a crush on Prince Dawn.
Streamers: PINKIEDASH, future party-thrower extordinare, and baker.
With her attitude bursting with confidence and energic joy, this little filly is quick to make friends and always keeps her promises, or at least, attempts to. She can be very stubborn at times, but can be introduced to new ideas indefinitely. She wouldn’t be apart of any elements, but she would be a key factor for Pinata’s reason to be an element.
Allegro: SWEETIESPIKE, singer.
Allegro takes a lot after her mother, singing and dancing. She is a very kind and giving soul, travelling around Equestria to help fillies and foals in need, going to orphanages to entertain children and helping out at soup-kitchens. Since she’s a kirin, she doesn’t get a cutie-mark. She has a bit of an interest in Ares, but feels a little weird about it, seeing as he is her second cousin. If she were to be an element, she would be Charity, taking up the mantle after her aunt.
Unnatural: DISCOSHY, Catalyst of Chaos.
She is a bit more outgoing than her mum, taking after her father a lot more than was expected of her. She seldom creates chaos, but is indeed very mischievous at times.
She is a Semipotent creature, has the ability to create things, destroy things, but at a smaller, less powerful level than Discord’s. She can fly, levitate, and speak to animals. She is very empathetic, and if she were an element of harmony, she would be COMPASSION.
Princess Skyla: CANNING? SHININGDENCE, Princess of the Sky.
Skyla is the princess of the Crystal Kingdom, cousin to Prince Dawn and second cousin Ares. She is very much like her mother, calm and compassionate to all her subjects. She was born an alicorn through her mother’s genes, which were compatible with her father’s unicorn genes. She is more like a pegasus, like her mother was before she transcended. She has no love interests at the moment.
Princess Larva: Daughter of Queen Chrysalis, Princess of the Changelings.
Larva is more or less her mother’s daughter. She can only survive on the love of others, and is constantly lonely. When she was young, she had tricked Prince Dawn and kidnapped him to the Changeling’s nest, where she was congratulated by her mother. But she couldn’t stand to see Dawn tortured, his love drained from him. He was beaten, his hair cut hazaphatly (which is why his mane is so short now) and starved. So Larva went to Canterlot in disguise and told his mothers where he was taken and scurried back to the nest. There, she might have been killed if Dawn hadn’t stepped up and said he forgived her. She is now somewhat of an ally to the ponies, after her mother was sealed in the Everfree Forest. She is in love with Prince Dawn for what he did for her, but is extremely shy about the topic.