Names- North Sider and Cornucopia
Series- United Ponies of America
State- Illinoise
Media- Ink and Colored Pencils
It’s been over a year since I did Idaho and I felt like coming back to this series. After I finish that first set of Brony Tarot, this will be the next series I focus primarily. I do know a few Bronies from this state so I hope I represented this state well with these two. As a nice reminder, I am going in alphabetical order in doing these State pictures. That title of this picture is based on the fact that much of Illinois is made up of prairies.
North Sider- Seeing how Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the country, it was pretty obvious to me I was going to create a pony based it. When I think of Chicago, I think of their famous baseball team, The Chicago Cubs. North Sider is based on this team’s nick name. And the colors represent the team’s colors and the cutie mark is based loosely on the Cub’s logo too. My stallion’s mane style is short for a reason too because baseball players generally have short hair.
Cornucopia- My mare was harder to create in the sense that I didn’t know what else Illinois was known for, so I did some research and that’s when I learned just how much the state was into growing goods, their biggest export being corn. So Cornucopia’s design is based around ears of corn as well as popcorn. I really like her design a lot. Cornucopia, the word itself means plenty, so I felt it fit.