Aqua (Starlight x Trixie)
A prankster and nerd, she loves studying and her moms.
Chewy Glimmer (Starlight x Trixie)
Aqua’s minion. He’s very cute.
Chessy (Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie)
They’re clam and small but also loud as all hell. They’re lovable tho.
Confetti (Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie)
Loud and annoying. Get’s food everywhere.
Luster Dawn (adopted by Twilight)
Only daughter of princess Twilight sparkle, not biologically related but she still loves her mother dearly. She’s co-raised by Spike (her uncle or older brother not sure). She’s Sunburst daughter.
Sunny Daze (adopted by Twilight)
Luster’s brother (half brother). He’s the son of Sunburst and Scitwi and was adopted by Twilight out of pity for Sunburst.
Wild Fire (Discord x Fluttershy)
Has a crush on Golden Delicious. She’s not too bright but she’s very sweet and child about everything.
Lullaby Moon (Discord x Fluttershy)
Fluttershy died while giving birth to him. He was partly raised by Rarity as she herself had no children.
Morning Glory (Applejack x Rainbow Dash)
A wild child, he isn’t interested in farm life, really. He much rater travels around Eqestria with his banjo.
Apple Sprout (Applejack x Rainbow Dash)
A little thief who’s loves stealing apples.
Cottonbelle (Applejack x Rainbow Dash)
The voice of reason in the duo (kinda).
Golden Delicious (Big mac x Sugar Belle)
A hardworking loud mouth, really clingy and annoying.
Peach (Big mac x Sugar Belle)
A stressed mare in all ways you can say it. She’s out of farm in the world of fashion, She’s mentored by Rarity.