Harmonious Percussion-"And another one successfuly transformed." the two bro hoofed
Bigpip-"We are doing great, at this rate we might even transform the whole Rim"
"That is assuming something bad doesn't suddenly happen, also coverting all of them will take a while."
True but that is to be expected, every former human won't immidiatly see Heo-Harmonism as their valid ideology, we just need to give them a little time to adjust to their new body and then they can assimilate into our culture."
"Are you sure we can endure on the Rim, things look a little uncertain to me."
"Ofcourse we can, we have adamantium pony armor in our racks, as long as we maintain it we will be allright. Come now to our dinning room, our pegasus comrade has brought us some lavish meals"