Names- Colonial Blue and Pumpkin Spice
Series- United Ponies of America
State- Delaware
Media- Ink and Colored Pencils
Haven’t posted one of these is over a month. Anyway, we have our only ‘D’ entry in this series and it’s ponies representing the first state of the union, Delaware. Coming up with these two wasn’t easy. Of course much like Connecticut, I did think to add a pony based around the Revolutionary War, but what part of it was the question.
Colonial Blue- Here’s our Revolutionary themed pony. I did some research and found out that one of the very first people to enlist in the Continental Army were from Delaware, who were known as the Delaware Blues. That’s where I got the idea for the name. Color scheme comes from the official state colors.
Pumpkin Spice- This proved to be the harder of the two to figure out since I didn’t know anything else about the state other than it was part of New England. I found out this state has the World Pumpkin Chunking Championship here though. So that’s where the whole scheme comes from.
Anyway Delawareans out there let me know how I did lol.