I’ll be honest I was originally intending to just steal a Brennan Lee Mulligan joke for this and call it a
reference but I decided to do a fun (for me) Lore Dump instead. So yeah Sugarcube Corner’s really
candy, Equestria has witches that lure children with gingerbread houses and Apple Fritter is an expert
candy architect.
It’s my own fault I used up the good Gingerbread house joke last year.
Twitter twitter.com/CobaltQuill/status/1601012987464060928?s=20&t=L4h2q94PPQdaZ9PoTgnkdg
Credit List
Pinkie Pie by HornFlakes www.deviantart.com/hornflakes/art/Safety-First-307127760
Fredo by PacificGreen derpibooru.org/images/1333915
Apple Fritter by Nano23823 www.deviantart.com/nano23823/art/Hard-Hat-Frits-489243103
Background by BlackGryph0n www.deviantart.com/blackgryph0n/art/Epic-Wub-Time-BG-1-Sugar-Cube-Corner-Destroyed-297983699
LAST www.deviantart.com/bronybyexception/art/2022-Advent-Day-8-940191254
NEXT www.deviantart.com/bronybyexception/art/2022-Advent-Day-10-940436022