And finishing off today’s pony art dump is this piece.
This was a random thought I had awhile back. It’s also my only actual reason for shipping Maud and Discord for my next gen ponies. Yup.
Knowing my luck, they’ve actually met before in the episodes I haven’t seen yet and my whole scenario is bogus, but here’s my take on their first meeting assuming that they haven’t met yet:
Now that Discord is her friend, Pinkie Pie invites him over to make rock candy with her and her sister, Maud. Pinkie ends up going to deal with some random problem that popped up though and leaves the two alone together. Unable to properly read Maud’s expressions, Discord assumes she’s bored. He tries to chat with her and ends up finding out that she likes rocks. He then mentions that he was a stone statue once and Maud is riveted. They hit it off based on that random comment.