The whole family!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Apple Pie(I know, so original)
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: A piece of pie with an apple behind it
What it represents: Her ability to bake pies and cakes and well…just about anything really! I mean, she’s the one that invented Apple Cake(a vanilla-apple cake with vanilla bean icing and real brown sugar cinnamon apple slices in the middle of each cake layer).
Apple Pie is exactly like her mother in every way, shape, and form. She is the towns best baker and apple harvester(as she harvests her own apples before baking them into cakes, pies, cupcakes and other pastries).
Name: Ace Huckleberry Pie
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: Spade with an A(Ace of Spades)
What it represents: His ability to win poker with cards that always end up in Aces.
Ace and Spade are twins. They looked so alike that ponies(including their parents) couldn’t distinguish them from one another so their parents got them matching red bandanas(for their neck) with the first letter of their first name. A for Ace and S for Spade.
Name: Spade Bumbleberry Pie
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: Spade with an S(Spade)
What it represents: His ability to come out on top with spades(including the ace of spades) during poker. But, he is more of a bingo fan.
Spade is a professional poker player(usually playing with his brother as a tag team) but, after a while he realized poker isn’t a healthy thing, and didn’t want to become addicted(unlike his brother), so he became an avid player of bingo.
bases by: Pinkie Pie Base 02by SelenaEde Wheatgrass Baseby SelenaEdeBerry Punch Baseby SelenaEdeBraeburn Baseby SelenaEdeApple Pie, Ace and Spade belong to me(so don’t steal)
Pinkie Pie and Braeburn belong to: Lauren Faust and Hasbro
Mlp Friendship is Magic belongs to: Lauren Faust and Hasbro