Known to be quick-tempered and spiteful, Raven Fear is a rockstar not to be crossed.
A rival guitarist plans to enter the IPFC. It was all over the news.
Her heart immediately filled with annoyance and angst upon hearing about it!
Days later, a carriage pulls up in front of her dwelling.
“I can sense. She’s here.” A slender green pegasus mare denoted.
“Then we have no time to lose.” A colt with British-patterned hair apparently replied.
As they enter, they are met with a cold greeting. “Who are you?” Asked Raven.
“I’m Spectrum, and this is Sense. We are from the IRON LION fighting guild.”
“So, you need something from me?”
Spectrum curtly replied “You. We need you on our team. Will you join?”
Raven smugly replies “You’re pretty straightforward huh? Honestly, I kinda want to be in it. I’ve got to settle a score, and you did bring the answer to me. But how…”
Sense calmly responds “Basically we sensed your anger. I thought it would be fit if we can use that rage in the fights ahead.”
Sense smiles then replies “Well, if you’d join us, you’d put that to good use. Besides, the pay’s good.”
Raven answers “I don’t like how you’re going about this, but my gig’s been a little lousy lately. How much we talking?”
And after a few heated arguments, Raven joined IRON LION.
Current members:
Raven Fear
Stratos Swarm [link]
Raven Fear is the OC of
Splash Art Style inspired by
MLP:FiM is by and associates.