Sometime last night I thought to myself: Shining Armor did not receive the tough look he should have gotten. So I started doodling some shinig armor sketches and somehow ended up with this (around 2.30 am). Get ready for some quick background knowledge.
(1) Shining Armor got a tatoo of his familys most iconic symbol when he bacame the captain of the royal guard so that he could be identified if things would end really bad for him.
(2) There’s a big softie under those rock hard abs. SA got really emotional when his daughter was born. (Btw I imagine Cadence to be French/ German)
(3) Flurry Heart for an unknown reason turned out really like REALLY religious which was a big surprise for her parents since none of them activly practice a religion at any point in their live.
(4) Twilight Doodle. She still doesn’t know how to dress well.
(5) Shining Armor’s really proud of his uniform even going so far to polish it on a daily basis.
(6)’s based on this picture
by the amazing (I know that Flurry is supposed to be older than Skyla, but I really wanted to draw Skyla disapproving of a baby Flurry Heart)
(7) Naked Baby Flurry^