“Heavily detailed custom commission for @zephyr093
Probably the biggest commission I’ve ever produced both figuratively and literally (5000×4134) :stare:
I always enjoy doing stuff for zephyr093 because he tends to bring out the best of my skills and is always a milestone of quality.
I sincerely thankyou Zeph for trusting me with such personal works ^
This took an ungodly amount of time but I’m happy with the result. There was much back and forth making sure all the details were the way he wanted them and we finally got this in the end XD
This also helped me fineite my painting style again after a few months of not doing so.
He is also recieving a little animation test which I may post too, if I can get dA to co-operate with me.
Some people are probably gonna want to berate me for drawing OCxCannon like this. For the protection of my comisher I say this:
What I care about is what the commissioner wants. Giving a product that’s tailored and personalized for them is kind of the whole point no?
If I agreed to do it, than their wishes are my goal. Their happiness from my work is what makes me want to do it in the first place.
My commissioners are perfectly in their rights to ask for drawings as I am to say yes.”