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[Updated version with a fixed-sized Rarity]
Original chart by “Joetheimpaler“
Many extra MLP monsters added by user “Markiz93” on derpibooru
This version compiled by “Cirrus Light” on derpibooru, or “Eagle1division“
The Space Shuttle, Jet, and missiles by
Naval Destroyer by
Rarity on the Abrams by
And the pilot Rainbow Dash by the F/A-18 by
Protected under fair use for educational purposes.
This is based off of a size comparison that can be found at:
On that page, there is a source link to the youtube video. Four different methods of pony height mesurement converge to around 98 cm. This was used as a rough guide for this comparison. 1 pony = ~ 40 pixels ~ 1 meter.
Recent “Equestria Girls outtakes” video shows “human” Rainbow Dash riding pony Rainbow Dash, and roughly agrees with this metric.
For an extended size comparison of real objects, visit:
…Maybe I should make a higher-res version? I scaled it down to 25% of the original size because the file size was getting ridiculous with the further expansion, and it was getting laggy to work on it. I could re-make it at 50% scale, though.
Read the thingies in it.
This is why I think nukes are massively under-appreciated in fiction :P
Also, apparently a tank would probably win against an Ursa Minor.
I’m really surprised by how small everything is. Especially the hydra.
I mean, freakishly terrifying to fight in person. But not so big compared to ships, shuttles, jets, or even tanks…
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