Emerald decides to take a bandanna with him. It’s not like Giles will miss one, and it’ll probably come in handy! He puts it in his backpack.
Emerald hears lot’s of commotion, and suddenly hears a whirring sound and sees a bright flash of light from outside that is brighter than even the still smoldering farm. Chancing a glance Emerald sees some sort of bright light whizzing slowly down from the air that illuminates everything. It’s even a bit painful to look directly at.
Emerald’s heart stops as he sees a figure pass in front of the window, and he flattens himself against the floor in panic. Luckily he doesn’t seem to have been spotted, and he hears the sounds of two soldiers outside talking about the sheet rope and where he could have gone. One of them mentions, almost offhand, that maybe he didn’t go far and could still be in the house somewhere.
Uh-oh, maybe it’s getting a bit dangerous staying in here. On the other hand, it’s not like it’s much safer if he leaves the room.
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